What happens when somewhere along the road you realize you've lost something? Something incredibly important? Something you can not live without? What happens when you come to the realization that you've lost track of the real you?

You get mad! You get angry! Your heart hurts so bad it feels like your going to die! Every single thing you thought you knew suddenly feels foreign!

Join me as I walk down this path of self enlightenment!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What is your favorite hobby?

Like I have previously stated I do not have a hobby, but would really enjoy having one for two reasons! I truly feel like having a hobby would give me a better understanding of myself and bring me a step closer to my ultimate goal. Not only would this give me an awareness of who I am but would also give me something productive to do during my little bit of spare time.

There are so many things to consider when picking a pastime, occasionally it seems daunting. A few things I want to take into consideration when picking this activity is the time required and the cost involved! I do not want an activity that would require a large amount of time to be devoted to it or be highly addictive. Something that I can put down and pick back up without feeling lost. My current financial situation requires that the hobby doesn't have a large start up cost, especially with the chance I'll lose interest.

I would like to make a list of different hobbies from cooking to photography and try each hobby for a few weeks and see which shoe fits best. My only problem is that my list sort of ends with the above mentioned activities, so my question to you is:

What is your favorite hobby?


  1. I sew!!!
    I am visiting from MBC and am now following!

  2. I Scrapbook!!!

    I am visiting from MBC and now following!
